If you have any question, please feel free to get in touch with us. We're here to help!

TeraCash AVX FAQ
Yes. TeraCash AVX automatically verifies agains the OFAC/SDN list while entering new customers or cashing checks for existing customers. It is included with the software purchase and requires no additional subscription service. Please note however, an Internet connection is required for OFAC/SDN verification.
Yes TeraCash AVX is able to be networked either by LAN or WAN.
No. Your data is all local to your computer. We do not store any of your data on our servers so we could not use it for any purposes.
No. Once you purchase the license, you own it.
Simply go to Request Technical Support under support on this web site and submit a support ticket. If you are under warranty then your support will not cost you but if your out of warranty then you may purchase a single support ticket or select from the wide range of support packages that we offer.
Yes there is a very modest one time fee for each window, the cost is found in our store or you may call 1-800-628-9471.
Currently the only service you may add or subtract without penalty would be CheckGuard, all others would be subject to the providers terms.
TeraCash AVX has implemented SQL 2008, you will have 10 Gig of storage on your local computer or server that TeraCash AVX is installed on. We do suggest however that you backup your data at regular intervals and also on CD or DVD just incase of fire or Theft.
You have one year of free upgrades afterwards you would need to call TeraCorp sales for current upgrade prices. Call 1-800-628-9471


No. TeraCash Lite only offers a 90 day warranty. You can however, purchase a support package or pay per incident when you need support.
This feature only comes with TeraCash AVX.
No, you would need to upgrade to TeraCash AVX.
TeraCash Lite uses the same database that our full version TeraCash AVX, you will have 10 Gig of storage on your local computer or server that TeraCash Lite is installed on. We do suggest however that you backup your data at regular intervals and also on CD or DVD just incase of fire or Theft.
Yes. You can upgrade your version of TeraCash LITE to TeraCash AVX. Please contact TeraCorp sales to get the current upgrade price. at 1-800-628-9471


TeraCorp vCheck FAQ
No. TeraCorp vCheck was designed to offer check verification only, if you require customer information tracking then look at one of our other TeraCash products, such as TeraCash AVX or TeraCash Lite.
Yes. You would need to  subscribe to our CheckGuard service with ACH / NCN in order to safely verify checks. Call 1-800-628-9471
No, TeraCorp vCheck was developed to only verify a check only.

Quick Look

  • TeraCash AVX

    TeraCash AVX

    TeraCash AVX is the most complete and robust check cashing, payday loan, title loan and point-of-sale software solution you will need.

  • TeraCash LITE

    TeraCash LITE

    TeraCash LITE is a scaled down version of our flagship AVX product. Though based on the same codebase as TeraCash AVX, it has fewer features and is designed for very small companies companies who only cash a few checks per month. View the differences here.

  • TeraCorp vCheck

    TeraCorp vCheck

    TeraCorp vCheck is a very lightweight check verification system. It requires an active CheckGuard account and it does not store any customer, check or other identifiable data.

More Questions?

If you have any additional questions that have not been answered on our site, or if you would just like to talk to a human in order to get your answers, we're here to help!

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